Virtual Reality prolongs the Paranormal Activity series

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Аутор: Mark Sanchez
Датум Стварања: 8 Јануар 2021
Ажурирати Датум: 30 Јануар 2025
How Scary is the Paranormal Activity VR Game?
Видео: How Scary is the Paranormal Activity VR Game?

With Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension slated to be the series' finale, fans thought they could look forward to some closure. However, this thought turned out to be incredibly wrong. Paranormal Activity is moving on to bigger and better projects.

Accompanying the final film is a virtual reality game demo at select AMC theaters across North America. The first person survival-horror game debuted on October 23rd and fans rushed to give it a try.

The demo for the game is using the new HTC Vive virtual reality system, which received resoundingly positive remarks at GDC conference earlier this year. Even though the demo is only playable on the HTC Vive, there are plans to release the game on another VR platforms such as PlayStation's Project Morpheus and the Oculus Rift.

Ако је игра успјешна, Беаст Медиа Гроуп планира наставити серију кроз нови медиј. Ис Паранормална активност гатеваи игра која води до пута успјеха за виртуалну стварност? Дозволићу вам да будете судија па да се упутите у било које од ових локалних позоришта да га испробате.

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